We Buy Used Cars and Trucks in Jenkinsburg, Georgia, 30234, (866) 719-6256

We Buy Used Cars and Trucks, in Jenkinsburg, GA, 30234, Call Us At (866) 719-6256 Day Or Night

We will pay you Cash For Your Car Fast! in Jenkinsburg, GA

We Buy Cars, Running or Not. Any Year, Make or Model.

  • Safe, Fast & Easy
  • Competitive Price
  • Nationwide Free Towing
  • 35 Years in the Auto Industry
  • We Buy Used, Damaged & Junk

With nearly locations nationwide, we’ll buy your car or suv and have cash in your hands within 24 hours! Wow, that's fast cash for your unwanted vehicle! The pickup and tow is always free and scheduled for your convince call  (866) 719-6256 today!

or you can fill out our form Get a Quote

We Buy Used Cars and Trucks in Jenkinsburg, Georgia (7069)

If you want transparency, there’s no better option to sell your junk car than to go through Flip My Wheels in Jenkinsburg, Georgia, 30234. We make you an offer and we stick to it!

When we come to tow away your vehicle – for FREE – we have cash in hand, totaling the amount that we quoted you. There are no surprise

“inspections,” just a clean transparent transaction where you get paid what you were expecting, we tow away your vehicle at no cost to you, and

everyone is happy. Call us at (866) 719-6256 any day, any time for your 60-second quote and schedule your

fast, FREE towing to get paid cash the same day!

We Buy Used Cars and Trucks In Jenkinsburg, GA, 30234, Call Us At (866) 719-6256 For The Best Price On Your Junk Car Or Truck

Instead of being transparent with you and telling you, “We can’t give you a quote until we inspect your vehicle,” they’ll go ahead and give you a quote,

knowing that it is much higher than they will ever be willing to pay you. Why? Because they want you to agree to the sale and schedule the towing.

Once you do that, they will show up and start “inspecting” your junk car to find all sorts of reasons to chip away at their promised offer. They’re

banking on the fact that you’ll feel compelled to sell it to them, even at the lower number, because you just want this headache to be over with. It’s

one of the worst scams in the industry.

We Buy Used Cars and Trucks in Jenkinsburg, Georgia (1925)

We offer top dollar for your Junk car in Jenkinsburg, Georgia, Call Us At (866) 719-6256 For A Free Estimate

If you want the transparency and honesty that you deserve, you should contact Flip My Wheels in Jenkinsburg, Georgia, 30234 by calling(866) 719-6256 anytime . In a matter of about 60 seconds, you’ll get an offer for your vehicle that is rock-solid – we do not back out on our offer when we

show up to tow away the car for FREE. In fact, we don’t even conduct an inspection at all. We arrive any time you tell us to come, 7 days a week, 24

hours a day, and we pay you on the same day. Yes, that is same-day cash that is equal to the amount we quoted you when we agreed to buy your

junk car – and that’s the way it should be!